Google dot org blog - News from Googles Philanthropic Arm

The World is a Mess...Agree or Disagree?

A number of us at have been gleefully contributing to the spread of the Girl Effect video. Maybe you have seen this powerful and moving video already. This piece of art and social commerce, which argues that the key to breaking the cycle of poverty is the education and empowerment of girls, has gone viral and has been featured on a number of interesting blogs (including blogher and Made to Stick).

We really admire a couple of things about this video-- how it has been used to define a complex issue in accessible terms, kick start an important conversation, and complement the announcement by the Nike Foundation and NoVo Foundation of their giving strategy, which focuses on improving the lives of girls in poor countries. We are also interested in understanding what comes next.

What has seeing this video prompted you to do? Where will the conversation go from here?

Alix Zwane, Program Manager, Inform & Empower

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